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3 A high level view of Goblins

Let’s start with a sketch of a network of Goblins objects wired to communicate with each other:

.----------------------------------.         .----------------------.
|            Machine 1             |         |       Machine 2      |
|            =========             |         |       =========      |
|                                  |         |                      |
| .--------------.  .---------.   .-.       .-.                     |
| |    Vat A     |  |  Vat B  |   |  \______|  \_   .------------.  |
| |  .---.       |  |   .-.   | .-|  /      |  / |  |    Vat C   |  |
| | (Alice)----------->(Bob)----' '-'       '-'  |  |  .---.     |  |
| |  '---'       |  |   '-'   |    |         |   '--->(Carol)    |  |
| |      \       |  '----^----'    |         |      |  '---'     |  |
| |       V      |       |         |         |      |            |  |
| |      .----.  |       |        .-.       .-.     |  .------.  |  |
| |     (Alfred) |       '-------/  |______/  |____---( Carlos ) |  |
| |      '----'  |               \  |      \  |     |  '------'  |  |
| |              |                '-'       '-'     '------------'  |
| '--------------'                 |         |                      |
|                                  |         |                      |
'----------------------------------'         '----------------------'

In the above diagram, we see:

Another way to think about this is via the following abstraction nesting dolls:

(machine (vat (actormap {refr: object-behavior})))

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