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Index Entry  Section

%: Control
%: Control
%: Control

abort-to-prompt: Control
add-stdlib: Linker
arity-violation?: Exception types
array-type-mutable?: Data types
array-type-type: Data types
array-type?: Data types
assemble-wasm: Assembler
assertion-violation?: Exception types
atomic-box-compare-and-swap!: Atomics
atomic-box-ref: Atomics
atomic-box-set!: Atomics
atomic-box-swap!: Atomics
await: Promises
await-promise-operation: Promises

bitvector-length: Bitvectors
bitvector-ref: Bitvectors
bitvector-set-bit!: Bitvectors
bitvector?: Bitvectors
box-ref: Boxes
box-set!: Boxes
bytevector: Bytevectors
bytevector-append: Bytevectors
bytevector-concatenate: Bytevectors
bytevector-concatenate-reverse: Bytevectors
bytevector-copy: Bytevectors
bytevector-copy!: Bytevectors
bytevector-ieee-double-native-ref: Bytevectors
bytevector-ieee-double-native-set!: Bytevectors
bytevector-ieee-single-native-ref: Bytevectors
bytevector-ieee-single-native-set!: Bytevectors
bytevector-length: Bytevectors
bytevector-s16-native-ref: Bytevectors
bytevector-s16-native-set!: Bytevectors
bytevector-s32-native-ref: Bytevectors
bytevector-s32-native-set!: Bytevectors
bytevector-s64-native-ref: Bytevectors
bytevector-s64-native-set!: Bytevectors
bytevector-s8-ref: Bytevectors
bytevector-s8-set!: Bytevectors
bytevector-u16-native-ref: Bytevectors
bytevector-u16-native-set!: Bytevectors
bytevector-u32-native-ref: Bytevectors
bytevector-u32-native-set!: Bytevectors
bytevector-u64-native-ref: Bytevectors
bytevector-u64-native-set!: Bytevectors
bytevector-u8-ref: Bytevectors
bytevector-u8-set!: Bytevectors
bytevector?: Bytevectors

call on Procedure: JavaScript API reference
call-with-async-result: Promises
call-with-prompt: Control
call_async on Procedure: JavaScript API reference
channel?: Channels
choice-operation: Operations
compile: Invoking the compiler
compile-call: Reflection
compile-file: Invoking the compiler
compile-value: Reflection
compound-exception-components: Exception types
compound-exception?: Exception types
condition?: Conditions
current-environment: Evaluation
custom-bytes: Data types
custom-name: Data types
custom?: Data types

data-id: Data types
data-init: Data types
data-mem: Data types
data-mode: Data types
data-offset: Data types
data?: Data types
default-prompt-handler: Control
default-prompt-tag: Control
define-external-type: Foreign function interface
define-external-type: Foreign function interface
define-foreign: Foreign function interface
define-record-type: Records
dump-wasm: Printer

elem-id: Data types
elem-inits: Data types
elem-mode: Data types
elem-offset: Data types
elem-table: Data types
elem-type: Data types
elem?: Data types
error?: Exception types
eval: Evaluation
exception-irritants: Exception types
exception-message: Exception types
exception-origin: Exception types
exception-with-irritants?: Exception types
exception-with-message?: Exception types
exception-with-origin?: Exception types
exception?: Exception types
export-idx: Data types
export-kind: Data types
export-name: Data types
export?: Data types
external-non-null?: Foreign function interface
external-null?: Foreign function interface
external?: Foreign function interface

failed-type-check-predicate: Exception types
failed-type-check?: Exception types
field-id: Data types
field-mutable?: Data types
field-type: Data types
field?: Data types
fluid-ref: Fluids
fluid-set!: Fluids
fluid?: Fluids
func-body: Data types
func-id: Data types
func-locals: Data types
func-sig-params: Data types
func-sig-results: Data types
func-sig?: Data types
func-type: Data types
func?: Data types

get-message: Channels
get-operation: Channels
global-id: Data types
global-init: Data types
global-type: Data types
global-type-mutable?: Data types
global-type-type: Data types
global-type?: Data types
global?: Data types

hash: Hashtables
hashq: Hashtables
hashtable-clear!: Hashtables
hashtable-contains?: Hashtables
hashtable-copy: Hashtables
hashtable-delete!: Hashtables
hashtable-equiv: Hashtables
hashtable-fold: Hashtables
hashtable-for-each: Hashtables
hashtable-hash: Hashtables
hashtable-keys: Hashtables
hashtable-ref: Hashtables
hashtable-set!: Hashtables
hashtable-size: Hashtables
hashtable-values: Hashtables
hashtable?: Hashtables
hashv: Hashtables
hoot-apply: Reflection
hoot-apply-async: Reflection
hoot-atomic-box?: Reflection
hoot-bitvector-length: Reflection
hoot-bitvector-ref: Reflection
hoot-bitvector?: Reflection
hoot-bytevector-length: Reflection
hoot-bytevector-ref: Reflection
hoot-bytevector?: Reflection
hoot-compile: REPL commands
hoot-compile-file: REPL commands
hoot-complex-imag: Reflection
hoot-complex-real: Reflection
hoot-complex?: Reflection
hoot-dynamic-state?: Reflection
hoot-fluid?: Reflection
hoot-fraction-denom: Reflection
hoot-fraction-num: Reflection
hoot-fraction?: Reflection
hoot-hash-table?: Reflection
hoot-instantiate: Reflection
hoot-keyword-name: Reflection
hoot-keyword?: Reflection
hoot-load: Reflection
hoot-module-instance: Reflection
hoot-module-reflector: Reflection
hoot-module?: Reflection
hoot-object?: Reflection
hoot-pair-car: Reflection
hoot-pair-cdr: Reflection
hoot-pair?: Reflection
hoot-port?: Reflection
hoot-procedure?: Reflection
hoot-run: REPL commands
hoot-run-file: REPL commands
hoot-struct?: Reflection
hoot-symbol-name: Reflection
hoot-symbol?: Reflection
hoot-syntax?: Reflection
hoot-variable?: Reflection
hoot-vector-length: Reflection
hoot-vector-ref: Reflection
hoot-vector?: Reflection
hoot-weak-table?: Reflection

i/o-error-column: Exception types
i/o-error-filename: Exception types
i/o-error-line: Exception types
i/o-error-port: Exception types
i/o-error?: Exception types
i/o-filename-error?: Exception types
i/o-line-and-column-error?: Exception types
i/o-not-seekable-error?: Exception types
i/o-port-error?: Exception types
implementation-restriction-violation?: Exception types
import-id: Data types
import-kind: Data types
import-mod: Data types
import-name: Data types
import-type: Data types
import?: Data types
instantiate-wasm: Interpreter
interaction-environment: Evaluation

lexical-violation?: Exception types
limits-max: Data types
limits-min: Data types
limits?: Data types
load-and-validate-wasm: Interpreter
load_extension on Scheme: JavaScript API reference
load_main on Scheme: JavaScript API reference
local-id: Data types
local-type: Data types
local?: Data types

make-arity-violation: Exception types
make-assertion-violation: Exception types
make-atomic-box: Atomics
make-base-operation: Operations
make-bitvector: Bitvectors
make-box: Boxes
make-bytevector: Bytevectors
make-channel: Channels
make-compound-exception: Exception types
make-condition: Conditions
make-empty-environment: Evaluation
make-eq-hashtable: Hashtables
make-eqv-hashtable: Hashtables
make-error: Exception types
make-exception: Exception types
make-exception-with-irritants: Exception types
make-exception-with-message: Exception types
make-exception-with-origin: Exception types
make-failed-type-check: Exception types
make-fluid: Fluids
make-hashtable: Hashtables
make-i/o-error: Exception types
make-i/o-filename-error: Exception types
make-i/o-line-and-column-error: Exception types
make-i/o-not-seekable-error: Exception types
make-i/o-port-error: Exception types
make-implementation-restriction-violation: Exception types
make-lexical-violation: Exception types
make-non-continuable-violation: Exception types
make-parameter: Parameters
make-prompt-tag: Control
make-serious-exception: Exception types
make-violation: Exception types
make-warning: Exception types
make-wasm-global: Interpreter
make-wasm-memory: Interpreter
make-wasm-table: Interpreter
make-weak-key-hashtable: Hashtables
mem-arg-align: Data types
mem-arg-id: Data types
mem-arg-offset: Data types
mem-arg?: Data types
mem-type-limits: Data types
mem-type?: Data types
memory-id: Data types
memory-type: Data types
memory?: Data types
mutable-hoot-bitvector?: Reflection
mutable-hoot-bytevector?: Reflection
mutable-hoot-pair?: Reflection
mutable-hoot-string->string: Reflection
mutable-hoot-string?: Reflection
mutable-hoot-vector?: Reflection

names-data: Data types
names-elem: Data types
names-fields: Data types
names-func: Data types
names-global: Data types
names-label: Data types
names-local: Data types
names-memory: Data types
names-module: Data types
names-table: Data types
names-tag: Data types
names-type: Data types
names?: Data types
non-continuable-violation?: Exception types

param-id: Data types
param-type: Data types
param?: Data types
parameterize: Parameters
parse-wasm: Binary Parser
perform-operation: Operations
put-message: Channels
put-operation: Channels

raise: Raising and handling exceptions
raise-continuable: Raising and handling exceptions
raise-exception: Raising and handling exceptions
read-and-compile: Invoking the compiler
rec-group-types: Data types
rec-group?: Data types
ref-type-heap-type: Data types
ref-type-nullable?: Data types
ref-type?: Data types
reflector-abi: Reflection
reflector-instance: Reflection
reflector?: Reflection
resolve-wasm: Resolver

serious-exception?: Exception types
signal-condition!: Conditions
simple-exception?: Exception types
sleep: Timers
sleep-operation: Timers
struct-type-fields: Data types
struct-type?: Data types
sub-type-final?: Data types
sub-type-supers: Data types
sub-type-type: Data types
sub-type?: Data types
symbolify-wasm: Symbolifier

table-id: Data types
table-type: Data types
table-type-elem-type: Data types
table-type-limits: Data types
table-type?: Data types
table?: Data types
tag-id: Data types
tag-type: Data types
tag-type-attribute: Data types
tag-type-type: Data types
tag-type?: Data types
tag?: Data types
timer-operation: Timers
type-id: Data types
type-use-idx: Data types
type-use-sig: Data types
type-use?: Data types
type-val: Data types
type?: Data types

validate-wasm: Interpreter
validated-wasm-ref: Interpreter
validated-wasm?: Interpreter
violation?: Exception types

wait: Conditions
wait-operation: Conditions
warning?: Exception types
wasm->wat: GWAT
wasm-catch: Wasm REPL commands
wasm-continue: Wasm REPL commands
wasm-custom: Data types
wasm-datas: Data types
wasm-dump: Wasm REPL commands
wasm-elems: Data types
wasm-eval: Wasm REPL commands
wasm-exports: Data types
wasm-freq: Wasm REPL commands
wasm-funcs: Data types
wasm-global-mutable?: Interpreter
wasm-global-ref: Interpreter
wasm-global-set!: Interpreter
wasm-global?: Interpreter
wasm-globals: Data types
wasm-id: Data types
wasm-imports: Data types
wasm-locals: Wasm REPL commands
wasm-memories: Data types
wasm-memory-bytes: Interpreter
wasm-memory-grow!: Interpreter
wasm-memory-limits: Interpreter
wasm-memory-size: Interpreter
wasm-memory?: Interpreter
wasm-pos: Wasm REPL commands
wasm-stack: Wasm REPL commands
wasm-stack-items: Interpreter
wasm-stack?: Interpreter
wasm-start: Data types
wasm-step: Wasm REPL commands
wasm-strings: Data types
wasm-table-copy!: Interpreter
wasm-table-fill!: Interpreter
wasm-table-grow!: Interpreter
wasm-table-ref: Interpreter
wasm-table-set!: Interpreter
wasm-table-size: Interpreter
wasm-table?: Interpreter
wasm-tables: Data types
wasm-tags: Data types
wasm-trace: Wasm REPL commands
wasm-types: Data types
wasm?: Data types
wat->wasm: GWAT
weak-key-hashtable-delete!: Hashtables
weak-key-hashtable-ref: Hashtables
weak-key-hashtable-set!: Hashtables
weak-key-hashtable?: Hashtables
with-exception-handler: Raising and handling exceptions
with-fluid*: Fluids
with-fluids: Fluids
wrap-operation: Operations

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