Supporter drive goal complete! Time for a stretch goal!

Christine Lemmer-Webber, Amy Grinn —

Over the weekend Spritely marked a major milestone: we reached our goal for our very first supporter drive! With your help we managed to surpass our $80,000 USD goal with three weeks to go!

This is incredible! Before we go any further we should note clearly that this campaign is already a success whether we raise any more or not! Thank you to everyone who pitched in to help us with our goals to build the next generation of decentralized network tech!

With three weeks left in our campaign, we are introducing a stretch goal! Can we raise another $40,000 USD?

If we meet our stretch goal, we will unlock the following:

  • Spritely Goblins playground in the browser: Wanted to get into Goblins but don't want to install a bunch of complicated local tooling on your computer? Want to experience the magic of programming in Goblins (or have others experience it!) on a web page? Help us bring Spritely Goblins to everyone!
  • Cirkoban Deluxe!: Cirkoban is a fun game we made to show off an early version of Goblins + Hoot in the browser (see our writeup!) but also a lot of people have told us they just plain loved it as a game! If we meet our stretch goal we'll add more levels, new interactive components, and release a mini-guide on how to make your own levels!

We've chosen these two deliverables because one, the Spritely Goblins playground, advances our technology and demonstrates its utility, and the second one, Cirkoban Deluxe, is fun and exciting (and still demonstrates the utility of our technology, just with an even more fun version)!

Plus! Don't forget that the silver, gold, and diamond levels of our campaign allow you to get your name in the credits of our games. This means you have an even more fun version of Cirkoban to get your name into!

We've already succeeded in our goal, so no matter what happens, we are extremely grateful for all of your support! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Let's see if we can make this stretch goal happen! Together we can accomplish anything! Thank you for helping us make the future of the internet happen!