Announcing Spritely Office Hours!

tessa —

writing a Camp Spritely-themed postcard home

The Spritely Institute is excited to announce our new trial for Engineering Office Hours by popular demand! Have a burning question for the team? Read on to learn more about how the program works:

Reporting a bug

If you have a bug to report in Hoot or Goblins, please open an issue on the respective repo below:

Getting help

To get help with questions about Spritely technologies, as soon as possible, share your question with the community on the Spritely forums!

Reserving an office hours slot

If, after filing an issue and/or posting on our forums, you still require further discussion, you can schedule a meeting with a member of the team here. We currently have two slots open on Wednesday, September 18th at 2:00 PM EDT (UTC-4).

Dropping in

Alternatively, if you just want to say hello, listen in, or think of a burning question on the day of, you can join us impromptu in the meeting room on Wednesday, September 18th at 2:00 PM EDT (UTC-4)!

Thanks as always for reading. We look forward to chatting soon!