NLnet grant bootstraps OCapN protocol standardization effort!

The Spritely Institute —

NLnet grant supporting OCapN

Jessica Tallon received a grant from NLnet to bootstrap the standardization process of OCapN (Object Capability Network). Jessica has worked with us on previous Spritely projects, including previous NLnet grants related to implementing petnames. Spritely Institute’s role will be providing direction and support to Jessica, who will leading the effort.

We want to thank NLnet for funding this important work as standardization is critically important for the wider adoption and implementation of OcapN.


  • Initial Draft Specs
  • Form a Community Group (preceding the standards Working Group)
  • Compliance & Test Suite
  • Implementers Guide
  • Submit/Transform to [TBD] standards body

The bootstrapping process will begin with draft specifications based on Spritely's two existing implementations of OcapN.

We are hoping to standardize OCapN for everyone. It is important that stakeholders are at the table from the earliest stages. Thus Jessica will establish a community group to shape these documents in the coming weeks.

Having implementations is crucial to a standardization process, so as part of this grant Jessica will be developing a test suite which will evolve along side these draft specifications to test the compliance of implementations. Since we want creating additional implementations as easy as possible, she will also be writing an implementation guide.

The ultimate goal is to migrate a stable and mutually-acceptable proposal into a [TBD] standardization body (which body would be for the group to decide).

If you have any questions please feel free to contact Jessica at